Saturday, August 9, 2014

George Washington and the General's Dog

George Washington and the General's Dog was written by Frank Murphy and illustrated by Richard Waltz.  This historical fiction story wonderfully depicts the life of George Washington in the mid-late 1700s and contains much factual information about the period 1776-1777.  It is presented in an understandable manner for children in 1st-3rd grades and even though the title focuses on George Washington and his dog, the author did this intentionally to engage children to make the story not only educational, but fun and entertaining!
                      Historical Fiction

The story begins with children visiting a museum and learning how George Washington was such a hero--very honest and brave and proceeds on to say that many didn't know something about him--he loved animals, especially dogs!  The book continues on talking about how the dogs accompanied Washington and his soldiers into battle and how they were very helpful with hunting, tracking and frightening off wild animals. Many other historical figures, places and events are discussed throughout the story such as, William Howe, Alexander Hamilton, Mount Vernon and the American Revolution.  The story concludes with the American people honoring George Washington and his great deeds by electing him to be the first president of the United States. 

This book is very beneficial in teaching young children about George Washington's times and they will enjoy how the storyline is made fun by talking about his love for dogs!  Children will surely relate to his love for animals and will be entertained with the bright and colorful illustrations throughout the book.  The media and technique are watercolor and pen and ink with actual historical photographs on the Author's Note page at the end of the book.  The author does specify, as shown below, that this story is true and represents actual events!

I think this book was excellent and will keep children interested as they learn about this historical period of time!  While reading the story to young children or when older children are reading it, they should be told that several events happened right here in Pennsylvania, only an hour away from us in Valley Forge!

Class Activities:
  1. Ask children if they have ever been to Valley Forge or Brandywine Battlefield and, if so, what do they remember about their visit?
  2. Have children draw pictures of their dogs or any pets they have and ask them if they have ever helped them out?  
  3. Ask children to select a person or event from the story and find out more information about it.  Then, ask them to bring their findings in tomorrow so we can learn about it.
Other outstanding books by Frank Murphy:
  • Always Inventing: The True Story of Thomas Alva Edison
  • Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares


Murphy, F. (2002). George Washington and the General's Dog. New York: Random House

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